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List By Document Type: "Reports"


Corps AA Degree Program 2006-2010: A summary of results and recommendations
An evaluation of the 4- year redesign of the Corps AA degree program to increase the number of ECE professionals with an AA degree, particularly family child care providers, to increase the diversity of graduates that reflect Alameda County's population and to increase community college commitment to early childhood degree programs


Evaluation of Mental Health Consultation Programs
An evaluation of early childhood mental health consultation to preschool programs funded by First 5 Alameda County designed to improve relationships and teacher understanding of children's behavior, Increase screening and direct mental health services for children identified as needing additional support and


Evaluation of Partnering for Change Program
Evaluation focused on successes, challenges, organizational changes and lessons learned by agencies participating in a year-long peer learning community to strengthen cultural competence


Fall 2009 Alameda County School Readiness Assessment
Summary of results of 2009 school readiness assessment levels of entering kindergarteners in five Alameda County school districts, serving students largely from low-income, high-need families to address children's readiness, family and child characteristics associated with higher levels of readiness and the relationship between participation in First 5 Alameda county programs and school readiness


Families First: Stories of Love and Learning; An evaluation of the Parenting Partnership
Describes the 2007-09 Community Grants Initiative funded, Parenting Partnership, a cohort of six community based agencies with the goal to improve outcomes for children and families by better supporting parents served by these agencies


Home Visiting Programs in Alameda County: Program Review and Evaluation
Describes 10 perinatal home visiting programs in Alameda County including demonstrated outcomes to inform work of a collaborative to improve services


Quality Counts: Evaluation of Consultation to Family Child Care
Summarizes the results of an evaluation of the Quality Counts program in family child care programs before and after program implementation and 2-4 years after program completion
