The 2021 Alameda County Early Care and Education Needs Assessment


Access the 2021 Alameda County Early Care and Education Needs Assessment here. Read the Executive Summary here.


The 2021 Alameda County Early Care and Education Needs Assessment is an essential tool for early care and education planners and the field in understanding the pre-COVID state of our ECE system. The rich data is intended to assist with identifying pre-existing and emerging needs from the field, and to capture the impact of the County’s child care emergency response to COVID-19 from March to December of 2020, including the early impact of shutting down the economy and schools, and the required adjustments by providers.

Data collection on elements of the child care system should inform the ongoing effort to improve access to care for all children and families. The report includes demographic information from the American Community Survey, licensed capacity in centers and family child care, subsidy eligibility (derived from Census data), and subsidy enrollment from federal, state, and local programs.

The Alameda County Early Care and Education Planning Council is charged in statute to complete a Needs Assessment every five years. The current Planning Council leadership recognized the importance of gathering updated data at this critical juncture for the field. With support from First 5 Alameda County, ​Alameda County ECE Program staff, interns, the advice and expertise from early care and education community stakeholders, the comprehensive Needs Assessment was created.


Webinar Recordings:

Alameda County Needs Assessment Launch Webinar

slides for this webinar are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Alameda County Needs Assessment Data Deep Dive 
