2010 School Readiness Reports

Our School Readiness evaluation (2010) of Alameda County children showed many promising results:

  1. Children who had formal preschool experience are the most ready for school
  2. Children who did not have formal preschool experience but participated in short-term First 5 Summer Pre-K programs show readiness skills comparable to those who had formal preschool experience
  3. Children who appear healthy and well also perform well in Kindergarten
  4. Intensive home-visiting supports for the county’s most vulnerable children boost their readiness for school, and
  5. Leveraging opportunities to support parents in receiving information about child’s readiness and to support positive parenting attitudes can have positive effects on children’s readiness.


School Readiness in Alameda County 2010 - Executive Summary

School Readiness in Alameda County 2010 - Comprehensive Report

School Readiness in Alameda County 2010 - Appendices


School Readiness in Berkeley Unified School District

School Readiness in Castro Valley Unified School District - Not Available

School Readiness in Emery Unified School District

School Readiness in Hayward Unified School District

School Readiness in Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District

School Readiness in Oakland Unified School District

School Readiness in Pleasanton Unified School District

School Readiness in San Lorenzo Unified School District
