Programs By Name


Cultural Access Services

Translation, interpretation and outreach services for families and providers.

Parent Engagement and Support

Project DULCE

Project DULCE addresses social determinants of health and promotes the healthy development of infants from birth to six months at Highland Hospital’s Pediatric Department. A partnership with East Bay Community Law Center and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, the program is one of the Center for Social Policy’s five national pilots.

Fathers Corps

The Alameda County Fathers Corps (ACFC) is a collaborative effort of First 5 Alameda County, Alameda County’s Health Care Services Agency and Social Services Agency. The ACFC promotes and supports fathers and father-figures to be meaningfully engaged with their children and families, and advocates for family service providers to provide father-friendly services to assist fathers in strengthening their parenting skills.  

Help Me Grow

Help Me Grow Alameda County is a system that collaborates with agencies, families and providers across the county to help ensure children ages birth to 5 years reach their optimal development.

Neighborhood Partnership Project

The Neighborhood Partnership Program increases community access to school readiness programming for infants, toddler, and preschoolers and their families at libraries, park, and recreation centers in low-income, high-need neighborhoods.

Neighborhoods Ready For School (NRFS)

The Neighborhoods Ready for School (NRFS) program supports a community-informed system to ensure families have what they need for children be safe, healthy and ready to learn. Working with four traditionally disinvested neighborhoods in Alameda County, NRFS addresses disparities by building an early childhood network that provides consistent access to the services and social and economic supports that help support children’s school readiness. 

Quality Early Care and Education

To support quality child care, First 5 assesses and rates early childhood education sites with the Quality Rating and Improvement System framework in collaboration with the California department of Education and First 5 California. First 5 provides professional development, practice-based coaching, resources and incentives to early care and education sites. First 5 also incentivizes higher education institutions to offer coursework and advising for early educators.

Training @ First 5

Providers from all disciplines who serve children ages birth to 5 and their families in Alameda County are welcome to attend training and networking opportunities at First 5. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are provided for a nominal charge to registered nurses, licensed clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, licensed educational psychologists, and licensed professional clinical counselors at all qualified trainings.
