Policy and Advocacy


First 5 Alameda County's Policy Agenda (summary) and Data for Action Guide support policy and systems change that will result in sustained impact for the children we serve at a local, state, and federal level. This includes the following policy opportunities: 



Sustain and scale proven First 5 Alameda County programs that are easily accessible to families. This includes programs that:

  • Identify children with special needs early                                   
  • Provide family engagement and support 
  • Increase access to quality early care and education 


Removing Barriers for Low-Income Families

  • Advocate for policy changes and enhancements that will increase utilization of the social safety net by eligible families with young children (e.g., WIC, CalWORKs, CalFresh, the summer food program, housing, child care, transportation, and the Earned Income Tax Credit).



Family Engagement and Support

  • Contribute to the creation of an Alameda County parent leadership development and implementation structure by training and supporting parent leaders. This includes providing capacity-building and infrastructure opportunities for parent engagement and advocacy organizations and efforts.
  • A critical component of this work is continuing to work with partners to adopt the Father FriendlyPrinciples and encourage participation in the Alameda County Fathers Corps.




Interview with Congressman Eric Swalwell



Child and Family Data for Action- Alameda County District Profiles


Child and Family Data for Action- City of Oakland Data for Action Guide



2021-22 Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

Regulatory Comment on Proposed Rulemaking: Revisions in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Food Packages (December 22, 2022)

Comment Letter on Draft Master Plan for San Antonio Park (September 13, 2022) Letter to City of Oakland

Letter to Governor Newsom in Support of AB 2517 (Bonta): California Coordinated Neighborhood and Community Services Grant Program (September 02, 2022) Letter to Governor Newsom requesting his signature on AB 2517

Letter to Governor Newsom in Support of SB 1083 (Skinner): Helping families Out of Homelessnes Act (September 02, 2022) Letter to Governor Newsom requesting his signature on SB 1083

Support Californians through the Ongoing Pandemic and Housing Crisis (July 28, 2022) Letter to the Alameda County delegation in Sacramento
Support Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids Act (July 28, 2022) Letter to the Alameda County Federal Delegation

CA State Budget and Early Childhood

Local Policy Advocacy

American Families Plan Summary (May 2021)

Help a Mother Out's Diaper Programs Interim Evaluation Brief: Alameda County (May 2021)

American Rescue Plan Local Funding Policy Recommendations (April 2021)

Advocacy Letters

Support Biden’s Domestic Funding Proposal (November 13, 2023): includes $16B in one-time emergency funding for child care and other economic supports for families living with low-incomes. 

Support full funding of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program(November 13, 2023): current budget proposals do not fund the WIC program at the level needed to support increased participation and to provide adequate nutrition supports to eligible families. 

Support a Comprehensive Farm Bill Package (November 13, 2023): proposes to protect, strengthen, and expand equitable access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other anti-hunger programs. 

Oppose Unless Amended-SB 326 (Eggman): The Behavioral Health Services Act (August 15, 20223) Letter to Alameda County Delegation urging an amendment that restores, protects, and maintains existing levels of PEI set aside with a portion of funds focused on critical behavioral health services for children ages 0-5.
Letter to the Federal Alameda County Delegation 
Letter to the California Department of Education
Letter to the California Department of Public Health
Letter to the California Child Care Rate and Quality Stakeholder Workgroup in support of their approach
Sent to Alameda County's federal delegation
Sent to Census 2020 Data Products Team
Sent to Alameda County's federal delegation
Sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the US Department of Health and Human Services
Sent to Alameda County's federal delegation

ASCEND’S Response to CARES ACT Offset for Child Support Arrears (May 04, 2020) First 5's Kevin Bremond, Co-Founder and Program Administrator, Alameda County Fathers Corps, along with Ascend and other members of Aspen’s Fatherhood Learning and Action Community signed a letter sent to governors across the country  urging them to financially support noncustodial parents in their state and advance family-centered child support policies and practices long-term. 


First 5 Alameda County Resolutions

Resolution on Equity and Justice (June 18, 2020)

In response to repeated instances of racism and violence against African Americans and other people of color, longstanding inequities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ongoing threat to the health and well-being of families in Alameda County, the First 5 Alameda County Commission unanimously passed a resolution reinforcing First 5's mission, practices, and policy priorities to address inequity and child poverty, in particular for African American children and families, and prioritizing equity and anti-racist work.

Resolution Opposing Zero-Tolerance Immigration Policy (June 21, 2018)

In response to zero-tolerance policies separating children from their parents and guardians or holding them in detention centers for an undisclosed amount of time, the First 5 Alameda County Commission unanimously passed a resolution refuting policies that threaten, separate, and detain families and committing to work with our partners to keep our communities secure.

Resolution on Immigration (April 20, 2017)

In response to Executive Orders from the President of the United States and an uptick in inhumane deportation practices, the First 5 Alameda County Commission unanimously passed a resolution refuting policies that threaten and separate families and committing to work with our partners to keep our communities secure.


Early Learning Communities Network

First 5 Alameda County is engaging cities and unincorporated areas in Alameda County in our Early Learning Communities Network. Network participants are being guided through five sessions throughout 2019 to create an Early Learning Community Action Plan and will be eligible to apply for a competitive grant from First 5 Alameda County in 2020 to implement a portion of the plan.

If you have questions, please contact Karyn Barnes at Karyn.Barnes@first5alameda.org.


To learn more about our policy work, please reach out to Lisa Forti (Lisa.Forti@first5alameda.org), Director of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation.


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