Strategy: Evaluation & Technology

What We Do > Our Strategies > Strategy: Evaluation & Technology

Why This Strategy:

Proposition 10 requires that all counties measure the impact of First 5 investments on children and families. Our mission is to support a county-wide continuous prevention and early intervention system that promotes optimal health and development, narrows disparities and improves the lives of children 0 to 5 and their families. With the Evaluation and Technology Strategy tracking our progress, we are better able to understand what works, what doesn’t and how we can improve.

What We Are Doing:

Our team provides ongoing training, technical assistance and consultation to staff and community partners on evaluation practices. We share research findings, evaluation tools and resources, and lend assistance with data collection, analysis, and communication of results. This includes supporting our 3 case management/referral systems used by Alameda County Public Health, Help Me Grow and over 20 Community based organizations. We conduct or oversee evaluations on such topics as quality child care, school readiness and early identification and referral for developmental concerns and we compile our agencomcy’s Annual Report. Using a variety of methods including interviews, surveys, focus groups, and structured observations, we document achievements and challenges and contribute to recommendations about ways to better meet the needs of families and children in our county.

Evaluation & Technology Strategy At Work:

Our Impact

Strategic Plan

Annual Report


To read more about all of our current strategies, see our latest Strategic Plan. To view all of the programs we offer, go to Programs by Name
